Women You Should Never Date

 Women You Should Never Date

Women You Should Never Date

About Dating:

Dating is a relatively recent phenomenon, which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries. In today’s modern era, the institution of marriage highly relies on dating, as it provides an opportunity to know and understand your partner well before marriage. However for men, there are some women you should never date.

Let’s discuss about the reasons and the types of women you should never date:

  • Your Secretary

Your secretary makes the first woman you should never date. There are plenty of reasons behind it. Dating your secretary can get you into all kinds of troubles, official as well as legal. Being in workplace requires full attention and professional seriousness. Having an affair with your secretary could be an enormous distraction from your work. A secretary or other official female workers are types of women you should never date. Love at office can make you exposed in front of others. The worst of all, if your relationship ends, your secretary might take leverage over you and may gossip and spread bad words that can damage your reputation. So your secretary is a woman you should never date.

  • Your Ex-Girlfriend

Your ex-girlfriend is a woman you should never date. You must not forget the reason for which your previous relationship ended. Obviously, it might be her weird behavior, lack of understanding and incompatibility. A breakup usually occurs at the last stages when it becomes almost impossible to bear each other. So she is the woman you should never date. Later, if you coincidently meet your ex-girlfriend, you might feel something for her and may regret on your breakup. But you should always remember your previous bitter experiences, as the behavior patterns or individual’s nature never changes. So ex-girlfriend is the woman you should never date.

  • Your Friend’s Ex

Another woman you should never date is your best buddy’s ex-fiance or ex-girlfriend. Your best friend shares a very close relation with you and holds your secrets. In the same way, you might also be aware of his personal affairs and relationships. So your friend’s ex is a dangerous woman you should never date. Another reason for not considering her is your uncertainty about establishing a more healthy relation with her, as compared to your friend’s relation. It is believed that strong friendship bonding only exists between people having similar behavior, liking and personal values. Our friends almost have same nature and liking as we do. So she is a woman you should never date.  Getting involved in your friend’s ex could be dangerous, as she might brainwash you against your friend, by false stories and bad words. So keep a distance from her as she is such a woman you should never date.

  • Possessive & Emotional Women

Another type is possessive, emotional and attention seeker women you should never date. This is due to their selfish and sensitive nature. A woman of such nature might make big issues of minor problems. Such disturbed kind of woman you should never date. At times, it becomes really difficult to escape, as being in love also requires a little space or personal freedom. But in case of emotionally wreck women you should never date, as they try to take sympathy through wrong means. So better think twice about women you should never date.

At the end, all problematic, emotional and possessive types of women you should never date.

Women You Should Never Date

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