George Conway Fact-Checks Trump’s Latest Election Fraud Claims: ‘You’re Spreading Misinformation’

 George Conway Fact-Checks Trump’s Latest Election Fraud Claims: ‘You’re Spreading Misinformation’


Conservative lawyer George Conway, a frequent critic of Donald Trump, issued a sharp rebuke to the former president’s latest false claims about election fraud on Monday. Trump had taken to his social media platform, Truth Social, to allege that Democrats were preparing to cheat in upcoming elections by exploiting overseas voting laws.

Trump’s post accused Democrats of working hard to secure millions of votes from Americans living abroad, but he claimed their real goal was to “CHEAT” through the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA). According to Trump, this program sends ballots via email overseas without proper citizenship verification, suggesting that it could lead to “foreign interference.”

“Remember they say we have the ‘most secure elections in history,’ and anyone can get a ballot emailed to them!” Trump wrote. He went further, accusing Democrats of trying to “dilute the TRUE vote of our beautiful military and their families, who Comrade Kamala has totally disrespected and abandoned.”

Trump also warned Republicans to act swiftly, adding, “WATCH! Remember, IF YOU VOTE ILLEGALLY, YOU’re GOING TO JAIL.” Conway, the co-founder of the Anti-Psychopath PAC, responded directly to Trump on X (formerly Twitter), calling out the misinformation in his post. “@realDonaldTrump: As usual, you’re spreading misinformation. Federal law protects the rights of all American citizens to vote, regardless of whether personal or professional matters take them to other countries,” Conway wrote.

Conway went on to humorously reference Trump’s own past comments about potentially relocating abroad. “For example, if you choose someday to live, as you have suggested you might, in Venezuela (which personally I hope you do, but only after you have served the multiple criminal sentences that judges will likely impose on you), the law would protect your right to vote. The law protects your suffrage, as well as that of all citizens of our great Republic. Hope this helps!”

Conway’s fact-check highlights the protections provided under UOCAVA, a law that ensures the voting rights of American citizens who are overseas, including military personnel and their families. His comments also underscore how Trump’s claims about election fraud have continued, despite multiple fact-checks and debunking efforts by legal experts and election officials.

As the 2024 election approaches, Conway’s pushback against Trump’s rhetoric serves as a reminder that election misinformation remains a hot-button issue, with both sides sharply divided on the integrity of voting processes.

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