Wonder of the World – Niagara Falls is special

 Wonder of the World – Niagara Falls is special

It is one of the mightiest falls on earth. Although Niagara Falls is smaller and less breathtaking than Iguazu Falls in South America and Victoria Falls in Africa, it is awe-inspiring in its own right.

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The time of the year makes a big difference in what you’ll experience:

Summer – Positive points
Summer is best in terms of water fall strength. The greater the volume, the more spectacular the viewing experience.

Summer – Negative points
Unfortunately, summer is the season when the lion’s share of the 15 million annual visitors come. Crowds can be overwhelming and line waits unbearable as motels offer Cheap Vacations in Niagara Falls.

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Winter is the least desirable time to visit:

Winter can be bitterly cold, a major factor considering that watching the falls is primarily an outdoor standing activity. Moreover, in deep winter, layers of ice can hide the falling water.

The two best compromise times are early May and late September.
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Best sightseeing times of day
During the peak summer period. Avoid long lines by scheduling your visits to the popular attractions in the morning (before 10:30 a.m.) or late afternoon (after 4:00 p.m.).  And, if possible, avoid weekends.


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