Weekly Business Horoscopes Dec. 15 – Dec. 21, 2014

 Weekly Business Horoscopes Dec. 15 – Dec. 21, 2014

Your Business Horoscope looks at your Business potential for the week ahead. Wondering whether a new business opportunity is going to come your way? How are your job prospects shaping up? Select your Sun Sign from the list below to view your Horoscope.

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Aries Business Horoscope
Aries Horoscope Moving into the week with the Moon in your work sector is always going to be an advantage, but especially as this just happens to be Venus’ first full week in your Business sector and the push to bring your professional year home has begun in earnest. At this point, with the professional focus on Business matters, the Moon’s visit to your work sector is more a support to this, providing more insight into day to day work matters, but it’s also a chance to gain some clues to what you’re lining up for. With 2015 due to become one of your most important and opportune years for work matters in over a decade the professional gods will be using the Moon’s last visit for the year as a chance to deliver some clues to what lies ahead or a chance to start lining up at the right doors before they open.

Taurus Business Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope The timing of the Moon’s return to your work sector on Monday couldn’t be better, even if it comes with a call to slow down and pace yourself. As not just the Moon’s last visit to your work sector for the year but the first since Mars returned to your Business sector earlier in the month, this is a chance to keep your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground, tapping into the natural current that is keeping work matters on track. With the end of your professional year in sight but Mars here right through the holiday period, this will provide the insight needed to pace yourself, with any work tension or feelings that you’re being pulled in too many directions a reminder that you can’t be all things to all people, all the time. It’s all about pacing yourself and working smarter.

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Gemini Business Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope There is a changing of the guard between the professional gods at the moment, with one group getting ready to take over and the other getting ready to pass on the mantel. It’s in this crossover zone that you have a chance to keep your work and Business options and matters on the same page, looking back at where you’ve been and forward to where you’re going, on both fronts focused more on the big picture. For as Saturn spends his last full week in your work sector he’s giving you a chance to learn from the past and commit to the future and the journey ahead, wanting things tied up on the work front before Christmas this year. While work matters are winding down Business matters are warming up and while things won’t really start to move until the New Year, already you’re starting to dream.

Cancer Business Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope While new work opportunities continue to open up and you’re looking to the future and some major new developments this side of Christmas, on both the Business and income fronts your focus is firmly on the rear view mirror. For what you have this week is Uranus’ last full week in your Business sector, coinciding with lucky Jupiter’s first full week in retrograde motion in your income sector. While Uranus, in your Business sector from 2011 to 2019, will spend from July to December each year in retrograde motion and lucky Jupiter will spend time in retrograde motion in your income sector once every 12 years, this is the only week in your lifetime they’ve coincided. At a critical point of the year for work matters the doors are open to second chances on the Business and income fronts.

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Leo Business Horoscope
Leo Horoscope Venus has managed to return to your work sector ahead of the Sun and Mercury and before your annual reality checks begin, but close enough to Mars’ departure on the 5th December to tap into the drives, passions, fighting and competitive spirit he left you with. As she spends her first full week in your work sector Venus is giving your heart a voice, a strong sense of what you do and don’t want on the work front and the chance to attract opportunities. While the Sun won’t return until next Monday, with a New Moon on the same day, when the call goes out to start wrapping things up it will be fairly abrupt. In the meantime Mercury’s return to your work sector on Wednesday will compliment Venus, allowing you to put heart and mind on the same page and start walking the talk.

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Virgo Business Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope The Moon makes a timely return to your income sector on Monday, giving you a nose for money at a crucial point in your professional year and as Mars is creating some unfamiliar dynamics on the work front. Regardless of when your working year ends, how much time you’re taking off over the holiday period or when you plan to take your work hat off, this year this will be done in name only. For the first time since 1999 you’ll have Mars in your work sector over Christmas and not due to leave until the 12th January you’re already in a phase that is as much about bringing this professional year home as it is about getting your 2015 professional year underway. It’s a nose for money in the early days of the week that will make it easier to work smarter and pick your battles wisely.

Libra Business Horoscope
Libra Horoscope If you’re suffering from a case of Mondayitis or you’re hanging out for the final bell to ring on the year so you can take your work hat off, then you’re in line with the professional gods. If you’re finding it hard to rub the fog out of your eyes and get back into work mode on Monday it’s because the Moon is not only wrapping up its last visit to an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart for the year, but spent the weekend putting pressure on work forces. The only problem is when you try and fight this, for with work matters not really kicking off until Mars returns to your work sector on the 12th January, this is more a call to slow down and make the most of a chance to cruise into these final days. Keep an eye on where the money is while continuing to work smarter.

Scorpio Business Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope You have reached an extremely unique week, one that you’ve got no reference point to refer to for a sense of how to work with this and instead will have to make it up as you go, taking things one step at a time. For with lucky Jupiter in his first full week in retrograde motion in your Business sector and Uranus in his last full week in retrograde motion in your work sector, the only two planets in your two professional houses are not only in retrograde motion, but are at a standstill. Despite the fact that your professional year is coming to an end and there may be some genuine urgency, you’ll find it all but impossible to buy into this. If faced with a decision between pushing things through before Christmas or waiting until next year, the professional gods will advise that you wait.

Sagittarius Business Horoscope
Sagittarius HoroscopeWith no planetary activity in either of your professional houses moving into the new week with the Moon in your Business sector is always going to be an advantage, especially as it comes just as your professional year is coming home. But what makes this even more important is that with Venus spending her first full week in your income sector and Mercury and his smart head for money returning on Wednesday, this is a week where things are coming together on the income front. Yet as well as a chance to get your professional bearings in the closing days of this professional year and at a crucial point of the year for income matters, this is also a chance to start lining up for your 2015 professional year, destined to be one of your best in over a decade. It helps to know where the money is.

Capricorn Business Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope It’s during the early days of the week that you’ll need to have your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground, with the professional gods giving you one last chance to get your bearings as you start to wrap things up for the year. It was a Full Moon in your work sector on the 7th December that gave the professional gods assigned to all things work related a chance to get everything out in the open, with the last visit to your Business sector for the year allowing you to do the same on the Business front. The Moon will return to your Business sector on Monday, making the early days of the week the most important for holding onto and trusting your professional instincts. This will give Mars, on a mission to breakthrough some glass ceilings on the income front, a much needed frame of reference.

Aquarius Business Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope With Saturn spending his last full week in your Business sector you’re not just coming to the end of your professional year but the end of a journey that began back in 2012. Chances are you’ve been through a tough and challenging few years, but you’re also likely to have learned and accomplished more than you thought possible, as well as setting yourself up for future success. Due to leave on Christmas Eve but the Moon returning midweek for one last chance to align your professional instincts with Saturn’s steely sense of resolve, move into the new week with your mind and your options open, committed to taking your power back, even if you don’t know exactly how you’re going to make that happen. While the Moon will provide some clues, the future itself is unwritten.

Pisces Business Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope The Sun’s last full week in your Business sector is usually a hurried affair, with the professional gods scrambling to get everything accomplished and your professional year sown up before Christmas. While in some part of your brain you’ll be buying into a rush mentality it will be done out of habit and not because that’s what the conditions dictate. For while your annual professional update will end next Monday, with Saturn returning on Christmas Eve his first visit in 27 years will see your biggest professional update in decades begin a day later. This is just part of the reason for a lack of urgency, with Jupiter’s first full week in retrograde motion in your work sector not only slowing things down but creating a need to spend time looking back through the rear view mirror.

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