When Hillary ran for President, she went to ‘remarkable lengths’ to hide Bill’s trips to Epstein’s Pedo Island

Daniel Berehulak/Getty Images
I know. I’m the same way. That is, shocked by a new exclusive report on the Clinton camp herculean efforts to conceal philandering Bill’s “cozy relationship” with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein during Hillary’s presidential campaign, including multiple trips to Epstein’s “Pedo Island.”
The “remarkable lengths” that Team Hillary went to hide Slick’s escapades (sexcapades? ), as reported by the Daily Mail, were understandable from the perspective of a ruthless woman who would — and damn near did — do virtually anything in her unabashed and insatiable quest for power. But what about morality?
But never mind. When was the Clintons’ politics ever moral?
Anyway, now that “talk on the street” that two-time loser Hillary will run for president again in 2024, how “unfortunate” that Willie’s relationship with his pal Epstein — and whatever it entailed — is making headlines again.
Toss in Epstein’s girl Friday Ghislaine Maxwell’s recent conviction on sex trafficking and conspiracy to entice minors, and Prince Andrew being stripped of his military titles and official use of his “His Royal Highness” nonsense by Queen Elizabeth in light of a U.S. civil suit over sexual assault allegations with at least one minor on Epstein’s island — and this whole thing could not be more fun.
So back to Bubba Clinton. Here’s a bit of background, via Daily Mail:
The email came out of the blue one day in 2016. Almost a decade had passed since Miles and Cathy Alexander had left their jobs as residential managers of Little St James, Jeffrey Epstein’s private island in the Caribbean.
Since then, Epstein had been jailed — briefly — for pedophile offenses and the couple had retired to their native South Africa.
But now Darren Indyke, the disgraced tycoon’s attorney, was back in touch. The lawyer wanted the Alexanders to do something that would be of particular benefit to Hillary Clinton and her campaign to become the first female President of the United States, later that year.
It entailed them signing a sworn affidavit — which Indyke had already drafted for them — declaring they had never seen Senator Clinton’s husband, President Bill Clinton, at their former home: ‘Pedo Island’, as it had come to be known.
Virginia Giuffre, one of Epstein’s alleged “sex slaves” and Prince Andrew’s alleged “girlfriend” on the infamous island, later said she met Clinton there and saw him with two “young girls,” according to the Daily Mail. According to court documents describing a transcribed recorded conversation between Giuffre and one of her attorneys, Jack Scarola, she described Clinton as “frolicking” with the girls and claimed that he owed Epstein “favors.”
Scarola: “When you say you asked him why is Bill Clinton here, where was here?”
Giuffre: “On the island.”
Scarola: “When you were present with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton on the island, who else was there?”
Giuffre: “Emmy [another girl who was allegedly a regular at Epstein’s house], and there were 2 young girls that I could identify. I never really knew them well anyways. It was just 2 girls from New York.”
Scarola: “And where all of you staying at Jeffrey’s house on the island including Bill Clinton?”
Giuffre: “That’s correct. He had about 4 or 5 different villas on his island separate from the main house, and we all stayed in the villas.”
Scarola: “Were sexual orgies a regular occurrence on the island at Jeffrey’s house?”
Giuffre: “Yes.”
Hmm… who to believe… a grown woman who was oppressed as a sex slave at a young age… or a longtime philanderer who took advantage of his powerful political positions — from Arkansas governor to US president? (Monica Lewinski could not be asked for comment.)
One of those “young girls” was apparently Chauntae Davies, seen below giving Slick a backrub.
It’s unclear whether any of Clinton’s encounters on “Pedo Island” were sexual. Given his “rich past,” it’s hard to believe the seasoned veteran of sexual escapades didn’t fly to Epstein’s island for backrubs more than once.
Meanwhile, Hillary’s band continues to perform. And so on. And so on.