Gender Differences in Cardiac Arrest Symptoms Evident 24 Hours Before Onset

 Gender Differences in Cardiac Arrest Symptoms Evident 24 Hours Before Onset

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A recent study has shed light on the critical warning symptoms of lethal heart conditions, which can appear up to 24 hours before a cardiac arrest occurs. The study highlights the urgent need for improved prediction and intervention methods to prevent sudden cardiac deaths, which claim the lives of 90 percent of individuals affected outside of hospital settings.

Conducted by the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in the US, the research underscores the differences in pre-arrest symptoms between men and women. Findings indicate that women are more likely to experience breathlessness in the day preceding a cardiac arrest, while men are more prone to suffer chest pains. Additional symptoms such as palpitations, seizures, and flu-like symptoms were also reported in smaller subgroups of both sexes.

Dr. Sumeet Chugh, a renowned expert on sudden cardiac arrest and the senior author of the study, emphasized the potential life-saving impact of recognizing these warning signs. He stated that identifying and responding to these symptoms could lead to timely medical interventions, thereby preventing many imminent deaths. Dr. Chugh suggested that this knowledge could fundamentally shift the current approaches to preventing sudden cardiac death, reports Bristol Live

“We initiated the SUDS study 22 years ago and the PRESTO study eight years ago. These cohorts have provided invaluable lessons along the way. Importantly, none of this work would have been possible without the partnership and support of first responders, medical examiners, and the hospital systems that deliver care within these communities.”

The team looked at the frequency of specific symptoms and combinations thereof prior to sudden cardiac arrest, contrasting their findings with control groups who also received emergency medical attention. Dr Eduardo Marban, another contributor to the study, highlighted its significance: “This is the first community-based study to evaluate the association of warning symptoms, or sets of symptoms, with imminent sudden cardiac arrest using a comparison group with EMS-documented symptoms recorded as part of routine emergency care.”

The findings were published in Lancet Digital Health and were based on data from two significant studies: the ongoing Prediction of Sudden Death in Multi-Ethnic Communities (PRESTO) Study in Ventura County, California, and the Oregon Sudden Unexpected Death Study (SUDS) in Portland, Oregon. The research revealed that half of the individuals who experienced a sudden cardiac arrest had encountered a noticeable warning sign within the 24 hours leading up to their heart-stopping.

This study’s revelations are particularly crucial given the abrupt and often fatal nature of cardiac arrests, especially when they occur outside the clinical setting. With heightened public awareness and understanding of these pre-arrest symptoms, individuals may be more likely to seek urgent medical help, thus increasing their chances of survival.

Dr. Chugh highlighted the collaborative nature of the research, noting the community-wide effort required to gather and analyze the data effectively. He also pointed out the future directions of this research, which aims to integrate these symptoms with other diagnostic features such as clinical profiles and biometric measurements. This integrated approach is expected to enhance the predictability of sudden cardiac arrests further.

The implications of this study are vast, potentially leading to breakthroughs in how cardiac emergencies are predicted and managed. By tailoring prevention strategies to the specific warning signs exhibited by different genders, medical professionals can better prepare to address these life-threatening emergencies. This research not only promises to advance medical understanding and response strategies but also empowers individuals with knowledge that could critically alter the outcomes of heart-related emergencies.

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