Healthy Breakfast Choices

 Healthy Breakfast Choices

Breakfast is very much essential if you want to lead a well balanced and healthier life. People usually rush out to their work without having any meal which is not good for their health indeed. If you don’t have your breakfast in the morning, then you will end up gaining weight due to over eating because the meal without proper time table disturbs your stomach.

breakfastHaving breakfast is not just about satisfying your appetite, but it demands the foods that help you to stay healthy and fit throughout the day. You should start you day by eating some healthful ingredients that boost up your energy level as well and makes you fit for every task. If you don’t have much time to cook time consuming recipes, then you should add the nutrients in your daily breakfast. Following are some healthy breakfast choices for you that are very simple and easy to adopt.

Perfect combo:

If you have a tough routine and don’t have plenty of time to spend in kitchen to prepare your breakfast, then try this simple drink i.e. Apple shake which is full of vitamins. Apple itself is best to eat in the morning because it keeps the doctor away. A glass of milk is another option for those who want some simple and quick breakfast. You can blend them together to make apple shake and drink a glass of it in the morning; it will surely increase your energy level and also a number of health benefits throughout the day.


Berries like strawberries, blueberries or raspberries are full of vitamins and minerals that can protect you from several diseases. So why not add these berries to your breakfast? The best idea is to add a cup of one of these berries to yogurt and take it as a breakfast. It will give amazing results and won’t make you feel tired in your hectic routine. The taste is also very delicious that you will make it a permanent part of your breakfast. If you’re not weight conscious, then you can add a tea spoon of sugar in the yogurt to make your breakfast sweeter in taste. 

Egg recipes:

Eggs has been considered as an important ingredient of breakfast since ages. Egg has huge amount of protein in it and other nutrients that help you to stay healthy and fit. Try to eat at least two or less than two eggs in your breakfast. You can make a number of breakfast items with eggs like French slice, omelets, or just fried egg with bread etc. To keep your protein level balanced, you have to add egg in your daily breakfast.

Green tea:

Some people don’t like coffee or black tea. They can start their morning by taking green tea which has a number of health benefits in it. Green tea has antioxidants in it which helps to prevent the cell damage in your body. It is also good in taste and helps you in weight loss as well. You just need 7 to 10 minutes for making a cup of green tea in breakfast.


Those who are weight conscious and don’t take breakfast just for the sake of keeping themselves slim and smart-these people can take cereals in their breakfast without any fear. Cereals have proteins in them which also improves metabolism in the body. You can take any cereal of your choice and make it a part of your daily breakfast. It will keep you healthy and smart as well.

Whole grain bread:

It has vitamin B, vitamin E and fibers in it which keeps you away from heart diseases. You should take whole grain bread instead of white bread because bread is not much healthful for you. You can take it with butter, jam or with fried egg as well.  Try to eat the food that has some nutritional value. Don’t always think of the taste because not every healthful food seems tasty to everyone. Take your breakfast on daily basis to spend a healthy life.

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