9-Year-Old Girl Dragged Down Street and Mauled by 100lb ‘Killing Machine’ Dog

Kyah was rushed to hospital following the incident ( Image: Kennedy News and Media)
A nine-year-old girl from Perrysburg, Ohio, was left with severe injuries and permanent scars after a Cane Corso dog attacked her, biting into her lower back and dragging her down the street in front of her horrified friends. The shocking incident occurred on October 23, 2024, when Kyah Matuszak was walking to meet friends near her home.
A large 100lb Cane Corso escaped from a neighbor’s garage and charged at her without warning. Despite her attempts to run, the dog caught up sank its teeth into her, and dragged her across the street before the owner intervened.
Kyah’s mother, Holly Matuszak, rushed to the scene after receiving a panicked call. “The words were, ‘I have your daughter.’ Of course, I panicked,” Holly recalled. “I ran there. My daughter was sitting on the grass, her pants ripped and bloodied. I knew immediately she had to go to the ER.”
Holly, a registered nurse, described the attack as a “nightmare.” She explained, “The wounds were very extensive. She had a perfect bite mark outline, with nine or ten visible wounds from each tooth. She needed stitches, but some wounds had to be left open, told The US Sun. Thankfully, she won’t need plastic surgery, though there will be significant scarring.”
“The dog just launched at her and dragged her the rest of the way up into the grass across the street. Holly MatuszakKyah’s mom

The incident has left Kyah emotionally shaken. Holly shared her daughter’s heartbreaking reaction: “She was sobbing and asking, ‘Why did he do this? I didn’t do anything wrong.’ She’s devastated.” Following the attack, Holly posted a video on TikTok, titled “Cane Corso attack,” which quickly went viral, garnering over three million views.
Many commenters, including Cane Corso owners, expressed their concerns about the breed, emphasizing the need for consistent training and responsible handling of such powerful dogs. Holly detailed the moments leading up to the attack, explaining how the dog escaped. “The owners had just come home. Someone opened the garage door that led to the house, and the dog ran outside.

It didn’t bark or anything. It just charged at her.” She credited the owner for acting quickly to regain control of the dog, but added, “It was a little too late.” Kyah is now recovering from her injuries, but the emotional and physical scars will take time to heal.
Holly hopes the incident raises awareness about the responsibilities of owning large, strong breeds like the Cane Corso. As Kyah begins her journey of recovery, her family is focused on helping her rebuild her confidence and heal from this terrifying ordeal.