Rachel McAdams ‘In Awe’ of Lindsay Lohan

 Rachel McAdams ‘In Awe’ of Lindsay Lohan

Rachel McAdams has admitted she was ‘in awe’ of Lindsay Lohan during the filming of ‘Mean Girls’ in 2004. McAdams – who appeared with Lindsay in the hit high-school comedy ‘Mean Girls’ in 2004 – rubbished rumours that the ‘Freaky Friday’ star was intimidated by her on set and admitted she was impressed by Lindsay Lohan comedic acting ability.

Rachel McAdams photosShe told Allure magazine: “If anything, I was in awe of her talent. “I looked at her as this experienced actor, and she had great comedic timing, so natural. It’s just funny to hear that because you never know what people are thinking. We all try to act like we’ve got it together.” Meanwhile, Rachel McAdams – who also stars as Ryan Gosling’s love-interest Allie Hamilton in the drama ‘The Notebook, and in the psychological thriller ‘Red Eye’ – is hoping that taking on a variety of roles will help her to achieve a “complicated” career.

Rachel McAdamsShe explained: “I’m hoping it’s going to be complicated and have lots of dead ends and corners and sharp turns. I hope it can’t be summed up too easily when I’m done.” ‘The Notebook’s’ director, Nick Cassavetes, recently opened up about the difficulties surrounding Ryan, 33 and Rachel’s relationship, as they struggled to get along on set. The ‘Crazy Stupid Love’ star even asked Nick to find someone else to play his on-screen partner during filming because of his lack of chemistry with her.

Rachel McAdamsHowever, rather than giving up on the pair – who later dated on-and-off for four years – Nick decided to set up an impromptu therapy session. He told VH1: “We went into a room with a producer, they started screaming and yelling at each other. I walked out … I smoked a cigarette and everybody came out like, ‘All right let’s do this’. And it got better after that, you know? They had it out. “I think Ryan respected her for standing up for her character and Rachel was happy to get that out in the open.” -femalefirst

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