Jennifer Aniston Auctions off Nude Portrait of Herself for COVID-19 Relief

 Jennifer Aniston Auctions off Nude Portrait of Herself for COVID-19 Relief

Jennifer Aniston is stripping, well sort of, for a good cause. The 51-year-old actress has teamed up with her photographer pal, Mark Seliger to auction off one of her more racy photos to benefit Covid-19 relief fund.

The photo, taken in 1995 at the height of her career when she was starring in the hit sitcom Friends, features a nude Aniston seated with legs strategically covering parts of her body.

She wrote on Instagram: “My dear friend @markseliger teamed up with @radvocacy and @christiesinc to auction 25 of his portraits – including mine – for COVID-19 relief… 100% of sales proceeds of this portrait will go to @NAFClinics, an organization which provides free coronavirus testing and care nationwide to the medically underserved. Thank you again to Mark for allowing me to be part of this.”

Current bid for Aniston’s photo is at US$6,500 (RM28,000).

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