Birthday Special: 10 Things about You Didn’t Know Brad Pitt

 Birthday Special: 10 Things about You Didn’t Know Brad Pitt

We already brought you part one of our list of 15 things you didn’t know about Brad Pitt, and now we’re back with part two! Even if you’ve spent the last 20 years crushing on the iconic actor, there are still some things you probably don’t know about him. Check out eight more fascinating facts about Brad Pitt below. You might be surprised by what you learn!

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Brad Pitt images

1) He doesn’t believe in god.

Pitt said in one interview, “I oscillate between agnosticism and atheism.”

2)The paparazzi snapped naked pics of him in 1997.

Playgirl published the photos—Pitt then sued Playgirl.


3) He’s from Springfield, Missouri.

Pitt once described his hometown as “Mark Twain country.”

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4) He left the University of Missouri, where he majored in journalism, two weeks prior to graduation, jetting to Los Angeles to become a movie star.

It appears he made the right choice.


5) Pitt used to (does) smoke cigs.

He claims to have quit while filming “Troy.” Recent photos suggest otherwise.

Read More: Angelina Slaps Brad in the Face in By the Sea Watch Now!

6) Barack Obama is Pitt’s cousin.

Ninth cousin.

Brad Pitt

7) He owned a shotgun before he could spell shotgun.

Pitt’s grandpa gave the “Fury” star a shotty when he was in Kindergarten.

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8) He cooks his and wife Angelina Jolie’s kids breakfast everyday.

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