Mary Trump Reveals the One Thing ‘Scarier’ Than Donald’s Return to the Presidency ‘We Have to Find Other Ways to Stop Him’

 Mary Trump Reveals the One Thing ‘Scarier’ Than Donald’s Return to the Presidency ‘We Have to Find Other Ways to Stop Him’


Mary Trump is continuing her call to action for voters in response to a tumultuous week in politics, emphasizing the dangers of a Republican-controlled Senate and House of Representatives.

“The only thing scarier than the idea of my uncle being in the Oval Office again is the idea of the Republicans controlling the Senate and the House of Representatives,” Donald Trump’s niece wrote in her newsletter, “The Good in Us,” on Thursday.

“Both, the House in particular, would very likely be filled with even more extreme sycophants who hate the Constitution with the same blind passion with which they hate women and minorities.” Mary Trump warned that without Democratic control of the Senate, her uncle if elected, could have the opportunity to replace Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas with younger appointees who could “ruin the lives of the next four generations of Americans.”

She painted a picture of a House of Representatives filled with “even more” extremists like GOP Reps. Lauren Boebert (Colo.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.) “rubber-stamping Donald’s agenda, going after his political enemies, and refusing to fund the war in Ukraine.”

Encouraging voters to rally behind President Joe Biden, despite the recent campaign turmoil following his poor debate performance, she urged people to “adopt a race or two; pick an endangered Democratic senator or a vulnerable House Republican and go to work.”

“Now that we know the Supreme Court has ensured Donald is free to operate outside the Constitution with impunity, we have to find other ways to stop him,” she added. Mary Trump has been vocal in her efforts to unite people behind Biden and the Democrats, particularly in light of the Supreme Court’s alarming ruling that Trump has absolute immunity for official acts during his time in office.

In her Thursday post, she called the Supreme Court’s decision a “chilling but compelling reminder” of the need to also focus on stopping her uncle’s enablers, whose plans to dismantle American institutions are “arguably even more destructive to our country.” As the political landscape continues to shift, Mary Trump’s rallying cries serve as a stark warning and a call to action for those opposed to her uncle’s potential return to power and the broader Republican agenda.

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