Potential Downfall: Donald Trump’s Secret Service Agents Might Hold Key Evidence

 Potential Downfall: Donald Trump’s Secret Service Agents Might Hold Key Evidence

Courtesy: Forbes

According to a legal expert, Secret Service agents hired to protect Donald Trump may have provided crucial evidence in a classified documents case that puts the former president at risk of a federal indictment. Former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance highlighted a noteworthy detail reported by the Washington Post on June 6.

More than 20 members of Trump’s security detail testified before a grand jury in Washington D.C., as part of an investigation into allegations of mishandling classified materials and obstruction of federal retrieval attempts at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

While Trump has denied these allegations and claimed innocence, Vance suggested that the agents’ testimonies could be significant in shedding light on a July 2021 meeting in Bedminster, New Jersey. During this meeting, Trump allegedly admitted to retaining a secret Pentagon paper while acknowledging that he no longer had the authority to declassify it. An audio recording obtained by Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office reportedly captures the sound of papers rustling, but it remains unclear if Trump was holding the specific classified document at the time.

Vance further explained that Secret Service agents, being constantly present with Trump and trained as observers and witnesses, could offer valuable insights into the investigation. Their role in criminal cases and their experience testifying before grand juries and trial juries make them highly competent witnesses. Vance regarded their involvement as a significant advantage for prosecutors.

Earlier reports in April indicated that multiple Secret Service agents had been subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury in Washington D.C. However, specific details regarding the questions asked during their testimony remain undisclosed.

The emergence of Secret Service testimony coincides with mounting speculation about Trump facing indictment in the classified documents investigation. On Monday, several media outlets reported that three of Trump’s lawyers met with officials from the Justice Department, including Special Counsel Jack Smith, to argue against charging the former president in the case. Trump allegedly received a “target letter” from the Department of Justice, signaling his current federal investigation and suggesting that charges may be forthcoming.

In response to these developments, Trump refuted claims that he had been warned about a potential historic federal indictment. He stated on Truth Social that he had not been informed of any indictment and reiterated his belief that he had done nothing wrong. Trump also expressed his long-held assumption of being targeted by a “weaponized” Department of Justice and FBI, referencing past incidents such as the Russia investigation, impeachment proceedings, and alleged scams and witch hunts.

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