Mental Health Experts Warn Trump is an ‘Imminent Catastrophic Public Danger’

 Mental Health Experts Warn Trump is an ‘Imminent Catastrophic Public Danger’


With less than two weeks before voters decide between Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, a collective of mental health experts has issued a public warning about the potential dangers of a Trump re-election. Operating under the banner “Duty to Warn,” 233 mental health professionals have signed an open letter, soon to be published in The New York Times, describing Trump as an “imminent catastrophic public danger” based on behaviors they have observed in recent public appearances.

The experts, all signatories to the letter, contend that Trump’s behavior aligns with the diagnostic criteria for several personality disorders listed in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V). In their letter, they write that the 78-year-old former president “exhibits behavior that tracks with the DSM V diagnostic criteria for ‘narcissistic personality disorder,’ ‘antisocial personality disorder,’ and ‘paranoid personality disorder,’ all made worse by his intense sadism, which is a symptom of malignant narcissism.”

They argue that these symptoms, exacerbated by what they interpret as “malignant narcissism,” pose a critical risk if Trump were to regain office. Adding to their concerns, the letter indicates that Trump may be experiencing signs of cognitive decline that, according to the authors, “urgently cry out for a full neurological work-up, including an MRI and neuropsychological testing.”

The experts point to a range of concerning symptoms, including “a dramatic decrease in verbal fluency, tangential thinking, diminished vocabulary, overuse of superlatives and filler words, perseveration, confabulation, phonemic paraphasia, semantic paraphasia, confusing people (not just names), as well as exhibiting deteriorating judgment, impulse control, and motor functioning (including a wide-based gait).” They note that these symptoms impact Trump’s communication, cognitive function, and physical coordination, adding weight to their assertion that his re-election would present a “catastrophic” risk to public welfare.

McConnell with trump
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The letter further describes these symptoms as “disqualifying,” with the group emphasizing that they are not making these statements lightly. Mental health experts within the group will expand upon these concerns in an upcoming video slated to air on cable television during the final days of the campaign. Their objective, they say, is to highlight the potential dangers they believe Trump’s cognitive and psychological state presents on the national and global stage.

In supporting their claims, these mental health professionals point to Trump’s frequent displays of tangential and sometimes incoherent speech patterns, his tendency toward extreme language, and what they characterize as an erratic and impulsive demeanor. Their letter suggests that these behaviors are not just personal traits but could potentially impact his decision-making, especially in critical moments that require calm and rational judgment.

The letter’s timing just before the election adds to the urgency of their message, as they believe voters should be fully informed about what they interpret as signs of decline in Trump’s mental acuity and personality structure. The mental health professionals involved in the “Duty to Warn” initiative emphasize that their concerns are based on professional analysis and urge voters to consider these factors as they head to the polls.

For those interested in more detail, the group’s video elaborating on their concerns and outlining specific examples of behavior that support their diagnosis will be available on cable TV and through online platforms. The experts involved hope that this warning will prompt a serious discussion about fitness for office and the potential repercussions of re-electing a leader whom they describe as a severe risk to public safety and stability.

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