Al Sharpton Criticizes Trump’s “Dance Party” at Pennsylvania Rally: “How Long Do You Let Grandpa Humiliate the Family?”

 Al Sharpton Criticizes Trump’s “Dance Party” at Pennsylvania Rally: “How Long Do You Let Grandpa Humiliate the Family?”


MSNBC host Al Sharpton offered a mix of sympathy and criticism for Donald Trump during a Wednesday appearance on Morning Joe, expressing surprise that Trump’s campaign staff allowed him to continue dancing for nearly 40 minutes instead of answering questions at a Pennsylvania town hall. Sharpton suggested that Trump’s team did the former president no favors by letting the spectacle unfold, especially as questions about his cognitive abilities intensify.

The discussion focused on Trump’s rally in Oaks, Pennsylvania, where instead of addressing the crowd and answering questions, Trump spent almost 40 minutes swaying to music and occasionally pumping his fists. Sharpton voiced his bewilderment at Trump’s team for not intervening. “I think they are fooling themselves if they think the momentum is the other way,” Sharpton said, referring to election pundits who predict a possible Trump comeback.

Sharpton contrasted Trump’s performance with Vice President Kamala Harris, who he praised for her strong presence on the campaign trail. “If you want to see somebody [Harris] that can answer questions and has a track record and opposed to somebody that just plays tracks that can’t even dance to the tracks, then that’s your choice,” he remarked, underscoring the difference in substance between the two political figures.

Sharpton didn’t hold back in his critique of Trump’s rally performance, calling it “embarrassing” for his supporters. “Donald Trump was embarrassing the other night to anybody that supports him,” he stated. He went on to suggest that Trump’s team should have stepped in and ended the awkward moment sooner. “If I was there, I would have walked him off the stage if I was a supporter,” Sharpton continued. “How long do you let Grandpa stand there and humiliate the family?”

The comment resonated with viewers, many of whom have raised concerns about Trump’s ability to engage meaningfully with voters as the 2024 election approaches. Sharpton’s remarks highlighted growing doubts about Trump’s campaign strategy and the ability of his team to manage such public missteps effectively.

As Trump continues to hold rallies, events like the Pennsylvania “dance party” have left some wondering if his campaign can recapture the energy of his previous runs or if moments like these are indicative of deeper issues within his approach to the election.

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